Midsummer Reset

Saturday 8 June, 10am-3pm
Piddinghoe, near Lewes, East Sussex.

Are you looking to make a change or create something new?

Would you like to take a break from the day-to-day to thrive?

Do you have a project or an inkling of an idea that you’ve not had time or space to get started?

You are invited to take a moment to pause and nurture the buds of possibility in your world. Come and join me and my fellow coach, Marie Knight, at The Barn at Piddinghoe, a beautiful space nestled in the South Downs, just a stone’s throw away from Lewes and Brighton.

The day will be immersive, fruitful and fun, with facilitated sessions to allow you to take stock of where you are now and create a plan to get you where you want to be.

There will be a delicious 2-course buffet lunch with locally sourced ingredients, plus tea, coffee, fruit and cake.

• Small group

• 3 x facilitated coaching and exploration sessions

• Hands-on activities

• Walks & rest time in a beautiful countryside setting

• 2-course buffet lunch provided by Field Food, plus tea, coffee and cake

• Post-event follow-up