What to expect from a life coach

It can be daunting to meet someone, online or face to face, and to tell them about your life, dreams and the challenges you face. But it can also be hugely rewarding to take time out of your everyday life to explore who you are and what you want, and to be truly heard by someone who won’t judge you or crowd out your thoughts with their own experiences and opinions.

A coaching session will give you space to think and time to talk.

In our sessions, my goal is to help you discover and develop your own solutions and next steps, because that personal development and self-awareness is a powerful driver of change – far more than being told what to do. To achieve this, I’ll ask you questions, make observations, challenge limiting beliefs and support you to work purposefully towards your goals. I’ll be curious about you, what you do and how you think. I’ll encourage you to create new behaviours and a different mindset to affect change. And together, we’ll explore the values that underpin how you show up in the world.

A series of coaching sessions will have an overarching goal, defined by you.

That could be anything, from how to resolve a difficult issue at work to preparing for a big life event, such as a wedding, divorce, empty nest or retirement. You might have a dream to open your own business, to write a book, or to become more confident when speaking in public. Maybe you want to change career, or develop your own interests and passions separate from your role as a parent or carer. Perhaps you want strategies for coping with difficult family members.

During the sessions, we’ll work towards achieving your purpose. This will primarily be through conversation and action planning but we may use specific coaching exercises to investigate situations and create clarity if that’s useful. Each session should have a clear goal and work towards that outcome, so you leave having learnt something about yourself and with an idea of next steps to move you forward. In between sessions, I’ll check in with you via app to offer encouragement, share resources, or to help keep you accountable to the actions you’ve committed to.

And on the way, we’ll have fun, get creative and shake things up.

Ready to give coaching a go and rewrite your future? Contact me for a free intro call to find out more, or head to my coaching page to discover what I offer.


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