
Midsummer Reset IN PERSON

Saturday 8 June, 10am-3pm

A small-group, one-day retreat at The Barn at Piddinghoe, a beautiful space nestled in the South Downs, just a stone’s throw away from Lewes and Brighton.

The day will be immersive, fruitful and fun, with facilitated sessions to allow you to take stock of where you are now and create a plan to get you where you want to be. Plus, a two-course buffet lunch with locally sourced ingredients.

side hustle and hobby shared support and coaching sessions

Side-by-side sessions ONLINE

A fortnightly free and friendly meet-up for people who have an interest, hobby, passion or side project that runs alongside their daily life. You might want to find more time to sew or knit, make headway on a book project, launch a business, or simply set aside time for yourself to explore what might bring more fun and excitement to your life.